Friday, July 27, 2007


Don’t grieve at the unkind words of the world. Is it possible to please the people? There are so many tongues, so many talks, so many opinions, so many remarks. This world is a strange mixture of the forces of sattva, rajas and tamas. Tamasic people are in abundance; and, it is their second nature to find fault and pronounce unnecessary criticism. They experience the world through their primitive emotions; their judgement is prejudiced; their natures are small; they are a prey to the sins of sense and perversions of will; they are more governed by ignorance and egoism then by intelligence and light. Therefore, follow the dictates of your own conscience and the promptings of your soul. If you are satisfied, the whole world must be satisfied.

The Experience of Peace

Peace is within. Search for peace within the chambers of your own heart, through one-pointed concentration and meditation. If you do not find peace there, you will not find it anywhere else. All unhealthy desires cause distractions of various kinds, and are therefore enemies of peace. Give up all cravings, egoism and unnatural longings. The man who is endowed with supreme faith in the Divine Principle of God and who has mastery over his senses quickly gets the Highest Peace. The one aim of life is the attainment of peace and not achievement of power, name, fame and wealth.

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